
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog



writing maps

The Monthly Writing Contest

Here at Writing Maps we believe good writing should be encouraged, cherished, shared, and most importantly, published.

We hold a monthly Writing Maps Writing Contest to coincide with the launch each month of a new Writing Map product. We challenge you to write and share a 150-word piece in response to our Prompt of the Month.

Each month’s two winning entries will be published in The A3 Review, the new Writing Maps Journal, a fold-out literary magazine to be published every six months. The first issue appeared in September 2014. Winning entries will also receive free Writing Maps and contributor copies of The A3 Review.

To make sure you don’t miss future contests, you can sign up to our newsletter by clicking on this linkFollow us on Twitter for conversation,UPDATES and inspiration. 

The Rules:

1. Entry is $5 (approx £3). Multiple entries accepted.

2. Enter online through Submittable. Click here to enter.

3. The contest closes at midnight (GMT) on the fourth Saturday of the month.

4. Any entries submitted after the deadline will not be eligible.

5. The Writing Maps Writing Contest is open to all writers over 16.

6. There is no restriction on theme or style. We encourage prose, poems, prose poems, graphic stories and hybrid forms.

7. Maximum number of words is 150.

8. Graphic and comics stories must fit into an A6 panel.

9. Two winning entries from each month with appear in The A3 Review to be published every 6 months. From this shortlist of winners, 3 will be chosen toWIN CASH prizes: 1st = £150, 2nd = £75, 3rd = £50..

10. Entries must be available for the Writing Maps Journal, and must not have been previously published.

11. Copyright remains with the authors.

12. The judges’ verdict is final. No correspondence will be entered into.

13. Stories cannot be altered or substituted once they have been entered.

14. Judging is anonymous. Name and contact details must not appear on the entries.

15. Submission of entry is taken to be an unqualified acceptance of these Rules.

