
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog



paper tape

“Underground” Issue

Paper Tape is currently reading submissions for the following features:

Theme: “Underground.” The word “underground” has many meanings, and we appreciate work that explores the theme from many different angles. As long as the work addresses the theme in some way, it is not necessary for the word “underground” to appear in the work. Genres: Flash fiction, short story, narrative nonfiction, essay, and art/photography. Word Count: < 2500 words. Deadline: February 28, 2014. Submissions accepted during this reading period will be published April-June 2014. Art submissions: Jessica Jones ( Written submissions: Kristy Harding (

This Word Is: Even single words are stories. Through sound and memory, anecdote and etymology, a single word gives insight into personal experience. A writer’s experience of a word is a keyhole through which we catch a glimpse of their their world; a word is a pocket filled with many different meanings. Pick a single word from your world, hold it to the light, empty out its pockets, and peer through the hole it rips in the structures of your universe. Tell us what you see. Genres: Essay, narrative nonfiction. Word Count: < 4000 words. Submissions: Harmony Button (


All work must be original, unpublished work. This includes work posted publicly on deviantART, social networking sites, and personal blogs. Work that has been edited or workshopped in private groups is fine.

Simultaneous submissions allowed as long as you tell us it’s a simultaneous submission AND withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.

Multiple Submissions: We will consider one written submission per feature AND up to four art submissions at a time. Once you have gotten an answer from us, you may submit something else.

Response time: If you haven’t heard from us within eight weeks, please, e-mail Kristy Harding (

Rights: We ask for First Electronic and Archival rights. All other rights remain with the author.

Payment: Paper Tape is not currently a paying market, but we will gladly include links to author websites and social sitesin your byline.

Formatting: Standard font. Single spaced. Do not indent paragraphs.

E-mail submissions as attachments only (.doc for prose, .jpg or .png for art). Please, do not send links to blog posts or work hosted on Dropbox or deviantART.

In the body of the e-mail include your name, genre, word count, the feature you are submitting to, and a 2-3 sentence, third person bio with links to websites, portfolios, and social sites.

Gotten this far and still not quite sure what we’re looking for? Check out Kristy’s interview on Six Questions For.

