
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog




Dear Writer,

Some of us were lucky to have two awesome ones.

Some of us had three or more. Some of us were raised by our grandmothers; they were the only mothers we ever knew.

Still others never knew their Nanas and secretly longed for what other children had Grand-mothers who Stand Watch During the Day and Howl at Night is a cool and unusual collection of memorable messages from women writers across the globe, speaking about their mothers, once removed.

Who was your Nana and what was she to you?

A keeper of secrets? Was she mentally ill? Or a distant figure, only known to you through faded pictures and the sadness in your parents’ eyes? Did she have a favorite purse you envied? Does a certain tune remind you of her? Did she have many husbands, lovers, enticing entanglements? Did she practice an unusual religion? Did she commit a crime in the name of love?

We are looking for true life stories about specific memories, incidents and lessons learned from your grandmother. What impact did she have on the woman you have become? You can convey her essence through conversations you had and remembrances you cherish-or cringe about. Unusual, provocative, irreverent, poignant, shocking, sad, or funny are the kinds of stories we are looking for. Are you and your grandma radically different or two peas in a pod? Was she traditional nana or a forward thinking feminist? Was she kindly? Or best described as a witch?

Published and unpublished writers are welcome to submit. Make sure your writing is polished and professional. Grammar, spelling and punctuation matter-a lot.

Collection will be published sometime in 2014 or later by a traditional publishing house or as an Amazon ebook. We pay $30 for 500-2000 words upon acceptance and two contributor copies after publication. We buy first time rights. Nothing previously published anywhere (including as a chat, Facebook, Tweets will be considered. Must be a piece written expressly for this collection.) No poetry or fiction. Use 12 point Courier font, and remember to double space and proofread. Deadline is March 14, 2014.

You will be notified shortly thereafter if your letter has been accepted. Send your submission to:

Collection is edited by Robyn McGee author (Hungry For More) and publisher Questions? Drop us a line:

