
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog


Sequestrum 2018
Editor’s Reprint Award

Every year we run an an experiment that – with the exception of the occasional heavyweight anthology – is generally left untouched by publishers. Among traditional journals, it’s strictly taboo. An editor’s no-no. An unspoken gentlemen’s agreement sealed with a handshake in the backrooms of literary Geneva Conventions everywhere.

Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to republish some unsolicited literature.

Our Editor’s Reprint Awards will award over $500 to writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Prose and poetry are judged separately, with a first-prize winner and a minimum of two runners-up per genre.

Please select a genre for complete guidelines.

Genre Submission Guidelines

Fiction & Nonfiction


Submissions are only open to previously published material. All submissions are read blind by the Sequestrum staff and processed through our online submission manager.

