
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog



The Science Issue

Our themed issue invites interdisciplinary cross-pollination from the sciences, soft and hard. We are looking for works that celebrate and interrogate science, that occupy and define the space between scientific method and artistic production, that navigate the morass between factual environment and the literary interior. We want thought experiments and experimental form. We want tree rings and neutrinos, algorithms and fractals. We want to understand how much we don’t understand (and we don’t mind if you don’t put that in layman’s terms). Most of all, we want to publish innovative work across every literary kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

POETRY SUBMISSIONS are limited to five poems.

PROSE SUBMISSIONS are limited to one self-contained work (no excerpts please) and should be under 10,000 words.

VISUAL ART SUBMISSIONS are limited to five images and should be submitted in the “OTHER” category.  

Please submit only once per reading period. While we do accept simultaneous submissions, please notify us promptly should your work be accepted elsewhere. We do not consider previously published work. We recommend purchasing our current issue or exploring our online content to get a better idea of the kinds of work we publish.

Puerto del Sol, now in its 53rd year of publication, is published by MFA candidates at New Mexico State University.

For more than half a century, Puerto del Sol has been dedicated to providing a forum for inventive and fresh fiction, poetry, reviews, criticism, and artwork from emerging and established writers and artists.


