
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog



Call for Submissions | July 2, 2017—February 2, 2018

We’re pleased to announce our plans to expand the fatal feminist into an annual print and digital publication. Ideally, we’d like to be able to pay our writers and artists, so please donate. This is where you can contribute. If we don’t achieve adequate funding, the publication will still see production, but only some of the staff and contributors will see paychecks.

Submit here!

We are seeking submissions in the following categories for the first issue:


Qur’anic exegesis is the primary feature of the publication. the fatal feminist adopts a Qur’an-first interpretative approach. All exegeses submitted must be founded on Qur’anic verses, and hadith contribute a secondary, supportive role for perspectives that are already established by the Qur’an. We’re looking for unique, analytical, and detailed arguments founded on the Qur’anic principles of justice, equality, virtue, and mercy. Each issue addressed in an exegesis must be supported most substantially with Qur’anic verses and discussions of word usage and grammar. 1,500-3,000 words. Multiple submissions are welcome.

Fiction: Magical Realism, Science Fiction, Fantasy

We’re seeking fiction that features recognizably non-European worlds and characters, preferably by authors of non-European descent. The works submitted should center characters whose identities, stories, and worlds are sculpted after and influenced by diaspora and/or are indigenous to the Americas and Australia, Africa, and Asia. Authors of mixed heritage are also welcome to submit. We’re especially interested in stories that feature characters of underrepresented sexes, races, sexualities, and abilities. 2,000-10,000 words. Flash fiction (1,000 words and under) is welcome. Please limit submissions to 2 stories per author.


the fatal feminist is focused in two categories of nonfiction: journalism and the personal essay. Perspectives conveyed in journalism must be substantiated with a deep authorial understanding of the culture, religion, and beliefs explored. Again, we’re interested in unique perspectives that contribute underrepresented experiences to the discourse, and are looking for authors of underrepresented sexes, races, sexualities, and abilities. Submissions in both categories limited to 2,000-7,000 words. Please limit submissions to 2 per author.

Music & Poetry

If you have original music, please submit its written representation. Please limit sheet music to 10 pages per submission. Multiple musical submissions are welcome to up to 10 pages in total. Poetry is limited to 5 submissions per author. These categories are merged to provide poets the opportunity to submit work as lyricists, so please feel free to submit music and poetry complimentarily if it applies; otherwise, poetry can be submitted as usual.


We’re interested in providing space for independent screenwriters to introduce their work, particularly if it is underrepresented in mainstream film production. Please see the guidelines for fiction, as they apply for screenplays, with the exception that screenplays can be submitted in any genre. We will accept multiple submissions per author totaling up to 10,000 words.

Art & Photography

5 submissions per author, unless the pieces are part of a series.

Submission guidelines:

Please submit all work through Submittable. Do not email our staff attachments: we will not open them. You do not need to submit a cover letter; however, in its place, please include a short biography to be used in the event that your submission is accepted. If you are contributing multiple submissions, please submit each separately. For the first issue, we’d rather you not send in simultaneous submissions. However, we plan to accommodate for them in subsequent issues.


You may include a (very brief) dedication with your submission.


Our ultimate goal is to decentralize the English as the global form of communication through which ideas interact. Future issues will include articles written in non-European languages. This is an international effort.

