Urban Bush Babe: Chime Edwards
1. Tell us your name and where you are from? 

My name is Chime Edwards and I’m from a small, quaint town
called West Point, MS.
2. How long have you been natural? 

I have been natural for 3 years and 3 months. I big chopped
in February 2009! Time has flown!
3. What do you do? Is there a resistance or
compatibility with your hair in your field of work?
I am an Independent Living Specialist for a nonprofit
organization, Southern Christian Services. I teach a
class daily that prepares youth who are in foster care
to live independently. The “dress code” is business
casual so I don’t stress too much about how I wear my
hair since the work environment is pretty laid back. I
just don’t wear my hair too wild (ya know, roll out of
bed, fluff hair and out the door) to work but everything
else I rock.
4. Describe your hair.
My hair is massive. It’s soft. Wild. Free. It does its
own thing like me.
5. What is your regimen?
I wash my hair with conditioner every 2 weeks. I use
shampoo when needed. Sometimes I may use shampoo
every 2 months and sometimes I use it back to back. It
all depends on how dirty my hair is. I deep condition
my hair every time that I wash it. I apply coconut oil to
my hair (focusing on my ends) daily.
6. What is your best hair advice?
Find the greatness and beauty in your hair. Love what’s yours.
Don’t be envious of someone else’s tresses.
7. What is the strangest comment, request or hair story?
lol I don’t know where to start! A girl commented on one of my
videos and said that I was kinda scary because I reminded her
of a cult leader because my hair was so long! lol I received
another comment on YT from a lady who told me that she knew
I had hair growth secrets and if I didn’t share them my hair
would fall out! lol I could really go on forever!

8. How would you describe your personal fashion style?

A melting pot lol I don’t like to look the same all the time. One day I may want to rock a preppy look…the next Bohemian look…the day after, a snap back cap and a tank. I like to change it up. I do lean more towards tribal prints and the Boho look but I love all styles.



9. Do you have a blog/website?
Yes! Stalk me! lol Here’s the link to my YT channel:
Please “like” my Facebook Page
And you can find me on Twitter and Instagram
– Username: Runway_C
10. What makes you a bush babe?
In my spirit, I’m young, fly and most importantly FREE;
my hair expresses the same on the exterior.