
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog




The Lauren K. Alleyne

Difficult Fruit Poetry Prize


The final judge for the 2015 award will be Lauren K. Alleyne.
The winning poet will receive $1,000. The winning poem
will be published in the Winter 2016 issue of IthacaLit.
The reading period begins September 1st, 2015 and closes
October 31st, 2015. All submissions will be accepted only
during that reading period. The award winning poem will
be announced in December for publication in the Winter
Issue on December 21st, 2015. Other top contenders will
be considered for publication in the Winter Issue & will be
distinguished by an “Honorable Mention.”

As a special incentive to inspire Cave Canem members,
we’re offering a discounted submission fee at Submittable.
Only Cave Canem Fellows & graduates are eligible for the
discount. Cave Canem Fellows should indicate their Cave
Canem status in the submission title. 
All poems will be
judged without any distinction between Cave Canem &
general submissions to the contest. Poets’ identifying
information will not be seen by the panel of first readers
or by the final judge. “Difficult Fruit” is not a theme, but
poems that speak to the condition of being marginalized
in our society are welcome.

Submit up to five unpublished poems, no more than 8 pages total. Any poet writing in English is eligible, unless he or she is a current student, former student, relative, or close friend of the judge. Previous winners of the contest as well as current and previous employees of IthacaLit are ineligible.  Previous Honorable Mention winners, however, may enter again.  Simultaneous submissions (i.e., when the same poems are simultaneously submitted to other magazines) are not permitted, submissions will not be returned, and submissions may not be modified after entry. All identifying information should be in a separate cover letter. The poems should be first in the document. The cover letter must be the last page. We strongly encourage use of Submittable as it’s streamlined and completely safe.

However, for the contest only, we’ll accept a USPS submission to: IthacaLit, 133 Westview Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Mailed manuscripts must be submitted with a cover letter listing the author’s name, address, email, and phone number along with a check for $18.00 ($12.00 if a Cave Canem Fellow) made out to IthacaLit. Names and other identifying information must not be on the poems themselves. Please place the cover letter at the end of the manuscript.

Failure to comply with any contest guidelines may result in your submission being disqualified.

A non-refundable $18 entry fee & $12 for Cave Canem Fellows, payable through Submittable, must accompany all submissions.



General Submissions

We accept poetry, non-fiction and interviews through our
submission manager at Submittable.
Poetry: Poetry of any length is accepted. We do not
generally publish lengthy epic or prose poems.
Spoken Word: All poetry guidelines apply. However,
please include a link to your high quality video of the
poem(s) submitted.

Non-Fiction: Clear & direct writing that speaks to the
craft &/or process of writing or creating visual art. We are
very interested in critical theory, philosophical musing
regarding literary theory or art theory, book reviews, and
the state of contemporary art & literature. We want to
read work that will enlighten, invigorate & prompt us
toward new perceptions of emergent or established works.
Interviews: We accept polished, well edited, interviews
with artists & writers & lyricists that allow our readers into
the conversation about process and the creative impulse.
Simultaneous subs accepted, but (please) let us be the first
to applaud you by informing us of the work’s acceptance
The drop-down tab, “Places We Like,” which appears beneath “Guidelines,” is a good reference point for the kind of poetry & art we support.

Please direct comments & queries to
Additionally, we will accept only previously unpublished material.
That restriction includes publication in a blog or elsewhere online. 

