
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog



DECEMBER 4, 2014






michael simmons


We are not here just because of Ferguson

“…We are not here just because of Ferguson or any particular region in the US. We are here because the US faces a problem that is as old as the US…. That is the killing of non-White people – starting with Native Americans, African-Americans, and Latin@ Americans. It permeates the history of the US. We are also here (outside of American Embassy in Budapest, Hungary) not just to protest the killing of Black men, but the killing of Black women and children. When we look at what happened in Ferguson, the the thing that should stand out is that since August 9, 2014 when Michael Brown was killed, there have been at least 20 more African-Americans and Latin@ Americans killed up until this very day….” ~ Michael Simmons in Budapest, Hungary, December 1, 2014

