All submissions should be submitted via Palaver’s Submittable account. Follow the “Learn More” links below depending on your type of submission: creative/multimedia v. academic. No submissions should be e-mailed.  If you have questions, please contact us here.

  • Creative Submissions

    Palaver is extremely interested in exploring interdisciplinarity, not only in content, but also in form. We accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, visual art, multimedia submissions, and multimedia-text hybrids.

    Please submit only one story or creative essay. Due to the volume of submissions Palaver receives, please limit your prose to thirty pages. 

    You may submit up to five poems, all in one document, please. 

    We allow up to ten file uploads of visual art/multimedia.

    No multiple submissions. Please wait until you have heard back from the first submission before submitting a second time. 

    No self-identifying information should be present in the body of your work, due to our blind review process. Only fill out identifying information on the form provided by Submittable. If your submission includes your name in the content and cannot be removed (e.g. the credits of a video), don’t sweat it. 

    Palaver does not accept previously published work, be it print or online.

    Simultaneous submissions are encouraged. If the submission is accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately and withdraw it from Palaver

    If a portion of your submission is accepted elsewhere–for example: a poem from a collection, or a portion from a longer work of prose–please notify us at  

    Submissions to Palaver are open year round. Palaver publishes on a bi-annual basis, in December and May. Palaver usually notifies submitters of our decision within three to five months.

    Questions can be addressed to

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  • Academic Submissions

    Written academic submissions should be typed, double-spaced, and follow MLA guidelines. Due to the volume of submissions Palaver receives, we ask that academic pieces run no longer than twenty-five pages. The file name should only include the title of your submission. No self-identifying information should be present in the body of your work, due to our blind review process. Palaver does not accept previously published work, be it print or online. 

    Simultaneous submissions are encouraged. If the work is accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately and withdraw your submission to Palaver. 

No multiple submissions. Please wait until you have heard back from the first submission before submitting a second time.

    Submissions to Palaver are open year round. Palaver publishes on a bi-annual basis, in December and May. Palaver usually notifies submitters of our decision within three to five months.

    If your submission is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw your submission and notify Palaver of its publication elsewhere when noting the reason for withdrawal.  

    Questions can be addressed to


    As a publication sponsored by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Graduate Liberal Studies program, Palaver is subject to the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 45, Part 46 Protection of Human Subjects, Subparts A, B, C and D (PDF) and falls under the oversight of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Institutional Review Board. A Human subject is defined as a living individual, about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains: 1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or 2) identifiable private information. If the editorial staff believes an author may have used data obtained through research on human subjects in a manner covered by the federal statutes, further inquiries may be instituted through the Institutional Review Board according to its policies and procedures.    


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