
Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog





Welcome to the

Afrofuturistic Anthology!

We’re glad that you’re here and hope that you have some amazing stories to tell.

Now before you ask questions, because I know you’ll have them – I’m going to line ’em up for you.

Submission Process:

  • Submissions open June 15th and close on July 15th at 11:59PM EST
  • Submissions are open to Africans and African-Americans ONLY.
  • You must be 18 years old to submit to this anthology.
  • Send an email to blackcomicsmonth *at* gmail *dot* com with the subject line “Afrofuturistic Submission”.
  • Your pitch should include a synopsis of your comic, character descriptions, along with concept art.
  • TRY and limit your pitch to ONE PAGE (not including concept art).
  • It should also include a page estimate of the story. (2-10 pages max).
  • Include a bio, pronouns, social media handles, website links, sequential portfolios, as well as a list of publishing credits – self-publishing and webcomics count!
  • If you don’t have publishing credits, don’t be discouraged – please submit.
  • Acceptance and rejection letters will go out on or before August 15th, 2016.
  • If the above rules are NOT followed, then your submission will NOT count.

What’s the theme of this anthology?
Afrofuturism, of course! Ever notice how black people don’t last long or if at all in TV shows, movies or books set in the future? Uh-huh, you know you do. Well, here’s your chance to tell YOUR story!

Need examples?

  • Surviving a zombie apocalypse (y’all know that’s really going to happen, right?)
  • How about you being the Terminator instead of Ahnold?
  • Steampunk
  • Solarpunk
  • Magical futures

Whatever futuristic story you have rattling around in the wonderful brain of yours – get it out! And don’t forget LGBTQIA and disabled people exist in the future as well.

Reiterating this AGAIN!

  • You MUST be 18 and older.
  • The writer AND the artist must be African or African-American
  • Story MUST be PG-13. No nudity here folks!

Compensation: $50 per team/per page, pending Kickstarter success. If the Kickstarter does not succeed, feel free to self-publish your submissions, since I will have no rights to publish your work. If the Kickstarter succeeds, you will also receive 10 complementary copies of the anthology for each team, plus the right to purchase more copies at a 50% discounted rate. Should the Kickstarter go extremely well, the funds will be used to raise the creative teams’ pay.

We will be printing in black and white (grayscale and tones are okay), at 6.625″ × 10.25″ (standard graphic novel size). Remember stories need to between 2 and 10 pages long.

Your Rights

Understand that submitting your stories to the #BlackComicsMonth anthology means that if you are accepted, you are ceding exclusive first worldwide rights to your story for a full calendar year from the date of publication, and non-exclusive worldwide reprint rights in perpetuity. What that means is that you can not reprint your story, even digitally, for one full year. We have the rights to sell your story that is within the anthology…indefinitely. Once the Kickstarter books have been published, you can not sell or reprint your story until that year is up. Once said full calendar year is up, you can print your mini and sell it.

If you agree to everything, we look forward to reading your futuristic stories!!!! And please…HAVE FUN!

Why only Africans and African-Americans?

This Kickstarter will be launched during the 3rd anniversary of #BlackComicsMonth in February, which coincides with Black History Month. #BlackComicsMonth was created to spotlight BLACK comic book creators, and the same thing will happen with this anthology…besides, we matter! We look forward to your submissions!

We’ve been receiving some questions asking if Afro-Latinxs or British and French Africans can apply.

This anthology is open to African Diaspora – if you are an African that lives in another country, apply. IF you LIVE as someone being of African descent – you may apply.  What we don’t want is someone who pulls their, I’m “black card”, “I have a black great, great, great, grandmother”, whenever it suits them.

Can I submit a story that was already published?

Sorry, but no. If you have submitted a pitch elsewhere and it lead to the Phantom Zone, then you may submit. If your story has been published already, wouldn’t you want to submit something brand new anyways to show off your talent?

I have a question that’s not listed above, what do I do?

Suffer in silence of course. No. Send questions to blackcomicsmonth *at* gmail *dot* com with the subject line “Anthology Question”.

Now, take this flyer below and spread the word! The #BlackComicsMonth: Afrofuturistic Anthology will be accepting submissions soon!


